God For Today Ministries

Transmitting the message of a God, not of the past, nor of the future, but a God For Today!

Spreading the Gospel Together

The purpose of this ministry is to make it known that God is unwilling to lose even one of his children. Heaven paid a high price for your rescue!

God For Today Ministries - Evangelistic event in Gaitherburg, Maryland
God For Today Ministries - Evangelistic event in Gaitherburg, Maryland
God For Today Ministries - Evangelistic Event
God For Today Ministries - Evangelistic Event
Good For Today Ministries - Pastor Gildemar Dominguez
Good For Today Ministries - Pastor Gildemar Dominguez

Our Mission Statement

To place the transforming power of His Word at your fingertips. Transmitting the message of a God, not of the past, nor of the future, but a God For Today!

Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.

Isaiah 55:6

gray computer monitor

Contact Us

We are here to help you in your spiritual and evangelistic journey.